Why is it the higher your expectations are the more likely it is for you to be let down? I’m not exactly sure what it is but I am sure about doing something to make that change. At the time I wasn’t sure what direction I should be going in but I was about to find out in the sexiest way.
Just when it all looked lost I just happened to come across busty cosplay girl in D.VA costume is rammed with cock on camera. Right away this was pushing all of the buttons in the most positive way and I was happy to see where this would take me.
It wasn’t going to be as easy as I first thought. First of all this girl has a smoking hot set of tits. Second of all she also fucks with such ferocity that I am unsure how long I am going to be able to hold on. I guess I’ll just go along for the ride and if I need to let a little something out so be it!