Whenever a young cutie asks me if she can please please pretty please swallow my cum, I look at her square in the face and say, “Do you think that’s an appropriate thing to say during the middle of a job interview?” And then I say yes and hire them immediately. And before you think I’m some sort of creep, you should ask yourself if you’d turn down such a proposition. Also, this only happens inside my imagination, so it’s whatever.
Where do I get such pervy thoughts? Well, I guess those ideas started after I signed up for a subscription to Amateur Allure. You should sign up too, especially since I have this Amateur Allure discount for 35% in savings to share with you. Aren’t you glad we’re friends? Amateur Allure is where all the nice girls come to swallow cum, and you can watch it in HD or even 4K Ultra HD in some scenes. There are over 580 of these beautiful blowjob videos to enjoy so sign up now while the price is so cheap!